
6.5. Seminaari datavallankumouksen merkityksestä kehitykselle

YK-liiton, Helsingin yliopiston ja YK:n kehitysohjelman UNDP:n Pohjoismaiden toimiston yhteisessä seminaarissa pohditaan eri näkökulmista, miten käynnissä oleva datavallankumous voi muuttaa perusteellisesti tapaamme lähestyä kehitystä, analysoida kehityshaasteita ja valvoa kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita. Seminaarin pääkieli on englanti.

“Data are the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability. Without high-quality data providing the right information on the right things at the right time, designing, monitoring and evaluating effective policies becomes almost impossible.” (A World that Counts, IEAG, Nov. 2014)

The Power of Numbers: What can Data Revolution mean for Sustainable Development?

We warmly welcome you to a seminar on the meaning of the ongoing data revolution for sustainable development and the Post-2015 development agenda.

A data revolution is paving the way for profound transformations in how we approach development, analyse the challenges and potentially monitor sustainable development goals better. Data is generated much more widely and frequently than before, thanks to greater awareness of data use, the evolution of software, and better technical and analytical tools.

This data revolution offers opportunities to make more informed political choices and decisions that can advance human development. However, information is power, and the data revolution entails inherent risks to our privacy and to human rights.

How can the data revolution benefit all, instead of widening inequalities, increasing insecurity, and threatening human rights? How can we harness it for development – to increase data literacy, strengthen means of verification and analysis, and minimize the potential risks involved?

Keynote speaker:
Eva Jespersen, Deputy Director of the United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report Office and member of the IEAG

Comments from:
Leo Kolttola, Senior Adviser and Expert on Environmental-Economic Accounts and Sustainable Development Indicators from Statistics Finland
Kimmo Hätönen, Ph.D. Data Analyst

The event is hosted by Professor Jussi Pakkasvirta, Head of Department, Vice Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Helsinki)

Time:  May 6th, 12:00–13:30
Venue: Metsätalo, Kuluttajatutkimuskeskus (KTK), Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki

Join the debate on twitter via #2015datarev

Eva Jespersen, Deputy Director, UNDP Human Development Report Office, Member of the UN Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development (IEAG)

Jespersen contributes to the annual UNDP flagship Human Development Report, for instance through convening stakeholder consultations and commissioning research. She also oversees the communication and outreach work of the office, which includes building external partnerships around the human development concept and its measurement.

Leo Kolttola, Senior Adviser, Statistics Finland, Expert on Environmental-Economic Accounts and Sustainable Development Indicators, Member of UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA)
Kolttola is involved in several development projects on environmental economic accounts and indicators. He is an active member of steering and working groups related to various issues of official statistics e.g. possibilities of big data. He also has wide experience in international statistical consulting.

Kimmo Hätönen, Ph.D., Data Analyst

Hätönen has studied data, information and knowledge related issues for over 25 years in telecommunication research organizations and at the University of Helsinki. He has authored and co-authored several tens of publications and been involved in introducing several methods, tools and products for communication network data analysis.

The seminar is organized by: Department of Political and Economic Studies (University of Helsinki), UNDP Nordic Representation Office, UN Association of Finland

For further questions, please contact Veera Vehkasalo, Communications Officer, UNA Finland/Suomen YK-liitto
+358 44 781 0301, veera.vehkasalo(at)ykliitto.fi.