
Internship available in UNDP Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen


UNDP Internship - Finland

The United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen, Denmark is seeking an intern to assist in carrying out external outreach activities in Finland. The internship will be based in the UNDP Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen.


Eligible candidates must be enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) at the time of application and during the internship. Candidates who graduate before the initiation of the internship are not eligible.


- Proficiency in English and Finnish.
- Computer literacy in standard software applications.
- Knowledge of journalism, web-management and social media.
- Demonstrated keen interest in the work of the United Nations and of UNDP in particular.
- Demonstrated ability to successfully interact with individuals of different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, including willingness to understand and be tolerant of different opinions and views.

Duration: The internship is available for a period of six months.

The intern will assist in the following tasks:

- Ensure that the UNDP website for Finland, www.undp.fi is regularly updated with timely and relevant information. This includes translating and adapting news stories and other content for Finnish audiences.
- In close cooperation with supervisor, assist in liaising with Finnish media organizations before and during missions to Finland by senior UNDP officials, report launches and other high-profile events promoted by UNDP.
- Help monitor coverage of UNDP in Finnish media outlets, including newspapers, broadcast media and web-based media.
- In close cooperation with supervisor, assist in liaising with Finnish partners, including the Finnish government, civil society organizations and academia.
- Maintain social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, especially adapted for Finnish audiences.
- Compile Nordic News content from Finland and maintain a distribution list for Nordic News in Finland.
- Answer inquiries regarding UNDP from Finnish audiences and stakeholders.
- Assist in the launch of the Human Development Report in Finland.

Please note that interns are not financially remunerated by UNDP.

You can apply by sending a CV and a letter of motivation to Trygve.Olfarnes [ät] undp.org (Trygve.Olfarnes(at)undp.org)

Deadline for applications: 4th March, 2011

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in Helsinki.