
Jälleen UNV-paikkoja haettavissa


YK:n vapaehtoistyön järjestö UN Volunteers etsii jälleen Suomen kansalaisia ulkoministeriön rahoittamiin UNV-paikkoihin eri toimialoille eri puolille maailmaa. Hakemusten viimeinen jättöpäivä on kuluvan kuun 20. päivä.

Tiedustelut suoraan UNV:lle tai ulkoasiainministeriölle.


United Nations Volunteers is looking for qualified Finnish nationals for 8 UN Volunteer positions in number of countries

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism. UNV is inspired by the conviction that volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and by the idea that everyone can contribute their time and energy towards peace and development. With partners, UNV advocates for volunteerism, integrates volunteerism into development planning and mobilizes volunteers. The enormous potential of volunteerism is an inspiration to UNV and to volunteers around the world.

Current opportunities:

· Peace Building Officer / UNDP Sudan

· Technical Assistance in Forestry and Climate Change / FAO Nicaragua

· Human Rights Advisor / UN Country Team Malaysia

· Poverty Reduction Officer / UNDP Iraq

· Peace and Disarmament Officer / United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia (UNRCPD) Nepal

· Social Protection and Child Protection Assistant / UNICEF Armenia

· Associate Programme Officer on Drugs and HIV/AIDS / United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Ukraine

· Political Affairs Associate / UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Kyrgyzstan

Please visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs website formin.finland.fi / avoimet tyopaikat for detailed description of assignment, requirements, volunteer allowance & entitlements and how to apply. The deadline for applications in on 20th of February. The assignments last 1-2 years.

The United Nations Volunteers programme is committed to ensuring gender equity among UNV volunteers and welcomes applications from women.